This is specially designed pen that uses air pressure to inject hyaluronic acid serum into the skin, causes the area to “plump up”. It is performed by an advanced beauty therapist who has been specifically trained in this highly specialised treatment and has done extensive training to be able to administer. We call it the needlefree filler!

What is hyaluronic acid? Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance found in human tissue that helps to retain moisture within our skin. Hyaluronic acid is in your joints, eyeballs, skin. Its main function in the human body is to keep water inside the skin tissue (being part of the collagen fibre network in the dermis) One of the reasons the procedure is rather simple, and the substances inserted into the skin is safe is that the human body produces the exact same acid, that is actually composed of two sugars (glucuronic acid and Nacetylglucosamine. No need to get scared by the chemistry related terms, the point is simple, as the human body makes the exact same chemical substance. It works by filling up any gaps between your facial tissues and creating an even smoother surface on your face. This allows you to achieve fuller-looking lips and plump up your fine lines, with minimal discomfort.

In a nutshell, the hyaluron pen can be used to create more volume to help lift and shape your face. This is perfect for plumping up those fine lines around the mouth and nasal folds. As the Hyaluron Pen does not reach the deep layers, the product will remain in the superficial dermis. The results last around 6-9 months. For best results the hyaluron serum needs to be built up over 2-3 appointments. This technique is supposed to be less invasive than other procedures and the risks are also supposed to be smaller.

First treatment – $390 0.5ml

Top up treatment (2 weeks later) – $220